Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship

The Arts Council of Moore County’s Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship was established in 2000 with the goal to support Moore County middle and high school students with a demonstrated talent and interest in the arts. The scholarship may be used for such items as fees for a music or art camp, studying dance at a dance company, or taking private lessons with an art or music teacher. The scholarship may not be used for school trips or college tuition.

The scholarship is named for Cos & Harry Barnes and Vaud Ancil Travis, III, three long-time arts lovers and supporters of the Arts Council of Moore County. Additional funds have been added in someone’s honor or memory to offer more scholarships. All the funds in the Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship Program include:

  • Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship Fund – This scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to pursue their interest in any arts discipline.
  • Carol Lawson Rouhier Visual Arts Scholarship Fund – Awarded in memory of Carol Lawson Rouhier, artist & longtime Arts Council member, this scholarship funds visual arts applicants.
  • Byles Percussion Scholarship Fund – Awarded in memory of drummer David Byles, this scholarship funds percussion applicants.
  • Ralph Jacobson Scholarship Fund – Awarded in memory of Ralph Jacobson, this scholarship funds applicants wishing to attend an overnight camp in any arts genre.
  • Laine Lea Classical Ballet Scholarship Fund – Awarded in honor of Laine Lea’s dedication to the art of ballet, this scholarship funds applicants wishing to study classical ballet. This fund can only be awarded to students who live in Moore County, NC.

Since the Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship’s inception, the Arts Council has awarded over $90,600 in scholarships to 219 middle and high school students pursuing their interest in the arts.

2026 Scholarship Information

2026 DEADLINE – 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2026
[NOTE: This is not a postmark deadline. Applications must be in ACMC’s office by deadline.]

Guidelines & Application for next year will be available for download by July 1, 2025.

(If you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here.)

Help us support our next artists!

The Barnes-Travis Arts Scholarship Fund is a wonderful and convenient way to support the Arts Council of Moore County and the Moore County children interested in the arts. To learn more about the many gift-giving possibilities which will help support the growth of this fund, click here or call Ray Owen at 910-692-ARTS (2787).  Scholarship gifts can be made payable and mailed to the Arts Council of Moore County, P.O. Box 405, Southern Pines, NC 28388.